recom has provided all required and necessary tools for its first CGI-production. Thorsten Jasper Weese, travelling to Turkey with the photographer Rainer Stratmann and the agency LaessingMueller, brought his own CGI-equipment (Spherocam HDR, pre-visualization-software, notebook, etc.). He was able to produce highres HDR-Scans and to position the vehicles for the binding layouts. Layouts of the 5 motifs which had been already approved in Turkey were converted in maya (3D-Software) with the adequate spheron-software-component and could thus promptly retouched and finished at recom.
Client: Daimler
Agency: LässingMüller
Photographer: Rainer Stratmann
Art Director: Oliver H. Moarefi
Creative Director: Erik Müller
CGI-Director: Thorsten Jasper Weese
Post-Artist: Christian Schemer
CGI-Artist: Andreas A. Maurer